Feeling alone in your crisis of faith?
I can help.
I’ve been there. Eight years ago, I felt like I was suffocating. I was struggling with a crisis of faith, while trying to build up my design business, and finish my master’s degree. Little did I know that the dissonance I was feeling in regard to my spirituality was affecting my business and financial success as well. After all, how you do anything is how you do everything. I was desperate, feeling like I was drowning, but with no one to talk to who truly understood. I felt alone and scared, and like I was working so hard to make everything work - but wasn’t progressing at all.
If you’re feeling that way, I want you to know that you’re not alone. You don’t have to stay in that prison.
Thankfully, I came upon work that turned my life around completely. It helped me connect to and spark my inner light - the light I had feared was permanently dimmed. And guess what? The life I had dreamed of my whole life, the life I could feel my soul calling me to, began to materialise around me. It was so profound that I became passionate about helping others on the same path.
I firmly believe that this dark night of your soul has one of the greatest gifts you’ll ever receive gripped in its hands. And truly, when you connect to and receive that gift, it’s not only good for you, but it’s good for the whole world. The world needs your light. It’s time to shine.
I want to help you find that unique gift, and help you live wildly aligned with your own authentic power. For that reason, I sold my design business and embarked on the path of training to be a coach with Martha Beck. Since then, I’ve immersed myself in the world of personal development and I’m now a coach and mentor.
What I don’t have:
I don’t have a massive social media following
I am not an influencer
I am not a household name
I do not like complex online sales tactics. I find personal one-on-one connection to be much more effective.
What I do have:
Profound experience going through the abyss of pain that comes with leaving the church
A passion to help you walk this path with more ease, success, freedom and joy
Knowledge and experience about creating a new life - an authentic, integrity - based life, after the church. Oh, and a more joyful one, if you choose it.
Deep education and experience supporting people through faith transition
An MBA, and experience running multiple businesses of my own, to help support you in your business success.
What I am offering:
A very limited, exclusive number of complimentary, introductory clarity calls (up to two hours long), to those who are interested in signing up for coaching. I only choose to work with people who are ready to change, ready to be open and vulnerable, and ready to do the work.
These calls will be done over Zoom; they allow you to get to know me, and for me to get to know you. I will listen deeply, and you will receive some profound coaching. At the end of the call we’ll have a conversation about the possibility of working together.
What can you expect?
Each session will be unique to you. Bring the problems you are struggling with the most. Some areas of interest might be:
How to maintain healthy boundaries and connection with loved ones who’s beliefs are not aligned with your own
Finding your spirituality again, without religion
Strengthening, and trusting, your intuition
Conquering your inner critic
Creating a beautiful, respectful, harmonious marriage
Money creation
Finding your purpose
Finding your ideal career
What’s the catch?
No catch. I just want to have a deep, supportive, clarifying conversation, in an an effort to connect with my most ideal clientele - smart, creative, driven women who strive to live in integrity. They are tired of feeling like they’re being torn apart by the pull of other people’s expectations vs. their personal truth. They are ready to shed their old skin, embrace authentic spirituality, and step into the amazing life they can feel calling them. If we gel, we might choose to work together.
If that’s you, just fill in the form below (There are 13 text fields; this is an investment in your life, so please complete them thoroughly). Once you submit it, you’ll be directed to a page where you can book an appointment time.
Sending you love,