Here's a glimpse of projects I'm working on.



I'm working on some workshops, including vision boarding workshops, with some fellow coaches. I can't wait to get these off the ground, as they're incredibly powerful!

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Book - Inside out

I am fascinated by the affect we have on our environments, and the effect they have on us. It's something deeply tied to our state of health and fulfilment (for example, if you watch an episode of hoarders, it's clear most of those people are not living their best lives, and are basically living in fear, while it's often a sign of great health and power if you get an urge to declutter and beautify your home). In this project I'm exploring this undefined yet tangible relationship. It will be a how-to in creating the space (and life) that is most fulfilling for you individually; incorporating principles of design, science, meaning, story and life coaching. It will also feature interviews and images of inspiring people and their spaces. 


Oil painting collection

I have been an artist since I was a child; but for many years I ignored this important part of who I am. I am feeling deeply fulfilled creating this collection, and I'm eager to share it with you soon!